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Mixing Desk



With the music industry becoming so fragmented over the years, many artists are choosing to work with small labels or self-release their material. This has meant that musicians are regularly choosing to avoid the major labels, where their music will be treated like just another release, and instead turn to more dedicated professionals that will treat their work with more attention and commitment with a focus on social media advertising and Spotify promotion. This is the mantra of 1985.


Over the years, our team has worked on some of the world's biggest music campaigns, soaking up knowledge and opportunities before becoming the team of dedicated publicists that we are today. Music marketing is in our blood and when we wish to work on a campaign, it is important for us to believe in the project rather than just take the money and run. Public Relations gets a bad reputation for a number of reasons, but we can assure every client that we will not simply sell ourselves to the highest bidder. The reputation we have built with the publications we work with has come from delivering them music that we truly believe in, and we will continue to deliver bold and captivating music to them throughout our tenure.

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